So today I wrote this sentence starter on the board: Learning is...
I asked the students to complete this sentence on a piece of paper. I didn't give them a lot of instruction or guidance, because I was curious to see what were some of the things they were thinking of. Take a look:
Learning is learning about something that you really want to know.
Learning is a big or small experiment.
Learning is Everything.
Learning is experience.
Learning is something that is new, that is hard, that feels good and lots more.
Learning is when you play or when you study.
Learning is gardening because you can save the trees.
Learning is almost anything that might happen anywhere.
Learning is exciting because it is fun.
Learning is fun because it is exciting.
It was eye opening to see what each student thought learning meant. For some, it simply meant when you learn information, for others it was more about experiences in or out of school, and for others learning is more of a feeling of excitement and fun.
Ask yourself this question: what does learning mean to you?
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