What have you learned in Grade 3?

To wrap up the semester, I asked my students a simple question: what have you learned so far in Grade 3? I was proud to see all of them take the question seriously and really think about not just something they've learned, but something they are proud to have learned. Below are their answers.

Alec: When I worked on my Rube Goldberg Machine, I learned that it's really good to work with a partner so you can bounce ideas off each other.

Mai: I learned more English

Selma: you can do anything if you try very hard

Bella: I learned about the yellow zone in the Zones of Regulation. It means you can be overwhelmed or excited.

Olivia: I learned a lot of vocabulary about Forces and Motion

Max: if I try I can do it! For example, we figured out an algebra puzzle because we worked together

Jordano: I learned that I was capable of doing math. Before I thought I wasn't good at math before.

Seyoon: Because we are fortunate people, it is up to us to help those less fortunate. If we don't do it, nobody else will.

Adrian: I learned about forces and motion. I learned that ice does not have a lot of friction

Nico: I learned about y-axis and x-axis when you make graphs. It helps you name the parts of the graph

Abby: I learned division. Say you have 12. It can be divided by 4 or 3, which means how many times these numbers can go in 12.

Toby: I learned division. I know how to divide bigger numbers.

Leah: in a Rube Goldberg Machine, if you put more corners, it's harder for the marble to move.

Ellis: I learned that you shouldn't get mad at yourself.

Deana: I learned that division is similar to multiplication but they're not the exact same.

Miyu: I learned English. I am proud that I can speak English more now.

Jaehyun: I've learned to get better at drawing. I've practiced a lot at home and Toby has helped me a lot.

Jake: I learned about times. Anything times 0 is 0 because 0 is the king that takes over. I also know 5x1 is 5 and 5x2 is 10 because it's 5 and another 5.

Jillian: I've learned a lot about Olivia. One thing I've learned about her is that she is full of ideas. She is a nice friend.

Ayva: I learned that the only time you fail is when you stop trying.

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